Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum, in vanum laborant qui aedificaverunt eam - "Unless the Lord built the house, they worked in vain who built it" Ps. 127

Thursday, February 18, 2021

What's Up With Chocolate and Lent?

 The last thing we need is conflicting messages, don't you think? Especially when it concerns the State of our Souls.  Imagine my dismay, then, when I came across two different signs at two different churches telling me to do opposite things to observe Lent. What's up with that?

    I first published this Throwback Thursday Blast From The Past on March 6th 2016.

To Give It Up Or Not . . .  


   What’s up with the chocolate?  As I was driving home from work last week I passed a church with a signboard out front that said, “Lent: Give Up Chocolate, Not Hope.”  I kept thinking about it all the way home, both because I think the folks who put up the sign were trying to make an important point, but also because they were (inadvertently, no doubt) undercutting their message at the same time (I'll explain how below).  I had decided to write about it, and took a picture of the sign on my way to an event at another church (neither was my parish church).  When I got to the second church, as I was running through my thoughts on the first sign, I saw another sign, or really a notice on a bulletin board in the hallway: “Don’t Give Up Chocolate For Lent.”  Hmmm . . . one tells me to give up chocolate, the other says the opposite. Well now, should I or shouldn't I? What's a Good Christian to do . . . ? [Click HERE to read the whole post on Spes in Domino]

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